Some quick information on how 2020 went for me.


  • 3,236 contributions on GitHub
  • 210 runs
  • 129 climbing sessions
  • 8 days surfing
  • 7 weird breakcore drum & bass tracks created
  • 2 (small) side projects launched
  • 2 new programming languages learned (C and TypeScript)
  • 2 5.11c outdoor climbing projects sent
  • 2 outdoor v4 climbing projects sent
  • 1 pr merged to a big open-source project
  • Still in Shanghai.


  • Found out I do not have coronary artery disease.
  • Still in Shanghai.


  • 0 dollars earned on side projects
  • 0 new music released
  • Did not learn the Go programming language
  • Did not send 5.12a outdoors
  • Did not send v5 outdoors
  • My mail-in absentee ballot didn’t arrive in time for 2020 election
  • Still in Shanghai.

This is, of course, all referring to my personal development; unrelated to my professional development or job life. At the time of writing this, I’m reassessing whether this was a successful year or not for me individually.

Key visual: 玉龍雪山 (Jade Dragon Snow Mountain) in Lijiang County, Yunnan province, China

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