Reading List
Either reading or listening.
- The C Programming Language
- Go Code
- Effective Go
- The Go Programming Language → link
- On Java - Bruce Eckel
- Blockhain Chicken Farm - stories about tech in China’s countryside
- Crypto 101
- Let’s Go - Alex Edwards
- Understanding Kubernetes
- The Unix Programming Environment
- Fluent Python
- shape up
- Designing Data Intensive Applications
- If You’re In My Office, It’s Already Too Late
- Sapiens - Yula Noah Harari
- Slow Productivity - Cal Newport
- Thinking, Fast And Slow - Daniel Kahneman
- Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty
- Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors
- The Book of Shaders
- Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville - Deep Learning (2017, MIT)
- Thinking In Systems: A Primer
- “Elements of Typographic Style” by Robert Bringhurst - “the bible” of typeface design
- “Designing Type” by Karen Cheng
- The Pattern on The Stone - book from 1998 that states some fundamentals of CS in beautiful terms.
In Progress
- Margin of Safety - Seth Klarman
- The Rust Programming Language (“the book”)
- You Have Not Yet Heard Your Favourite Song: How Streaming Changes Music
- Algorithms for Decision Making
- Kenneth O. Stanley and Joel Lehman: Why greatness cannot be planned: the myth of the objective
- Countdown to Zero Day - about stuxnet
- Crossing the Chasm
- Chinese Next-Generation Psychological Warfare: The Military Applications of Emerging Technologies and Implications for the United States
- Programming Elixir 1.6 by Dave Thomas
- Programming Phoenix 1.4 by Chris McCord, Bruce Tate and José Valim
- The Pragramatic Programmer
- A Philosophy of Software Design
- The Hundred Page Machine Learning Book
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning - Michael Nielsen
- Gergely Orosz’s Software Engineer’s Guidebook
- Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
- System Design Interview An Insider’s Guide by Alex Xu
- Thinking in Systems - Donella Meadows
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
- Domain-Driven Design with Golang
- Introduction To Algorithms - also recommended by primeagen, beefier/advanced
- Understanding Kubernetes
- The Ultimate Go Notebook
- Structure and interpration of computers
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson
- The System Design Interview
- Phoenix Project
- Skunk Works
- Refactoring - Martin Fowler
- Domain Driven Design - Evans
- Mostly Adequate Guide To Functional Programming
- Algorithms
- Crafting Interpreters
- Communicating Sequential Processes - paper by Tony Hoare
- SOLID by Khalil Stemmler
- Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling
- Domain Modeling Made Functional
- Statecharts
- Something about geology. Rocks are cool.
- Training For Climbing - Eric Hörst
- Gang of Four - for design patterns
- Daily Rituals: How Artists Work
- Every Programmer Should Know
- Effective Python
- SHOE DOG by Phil Knight
- Practical Networking
- Uncle Bob’s Clean Architecture
- Deep Work (or other work by Cal Newport)
- Beej’s Guide to Network Programming
- Building Evolutionary Architectures
- Mountaineering - The freedom of the hills
- Side Hustle - Chris Guillebeau
- 鬼吹燈
- Refactoring UI
- a simple path to wealth
- the little book of common sense investing
- Architecture Patterns with Python
- Simple Sabotage
- “You Are Not Expected to Understand This”: How 26 Lines of Code Changed the World
- Networking for systems administrators
- coding the matrix - linear algebra. Read this before getting into AI programming.
- Make Your Own Neural Network
- Google SRE bible
- Common Sense Guide to Data Structures - recommended by primeagen, basic
- Prestige, Manipulation, and Coercion: Elite Power Struggles in the Soviet Union and China after Stalin and Mao
- Build your own Database - Example code in Go
- Database Internals
- The Algorithm Design Manual
- The Infinite Game
- What color is your parachute?
- How Big Things Get Made
- From rules to examples: Machine learning’s type of authority
- The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory
- There Is No Antimemetics Division
More lists of books to read: