Uff da. 2021 was basically 2020 part two, with very little change except just recently in the last quarter of this year, during which I made some big changes in my life. More on that soon.

Anyways, here’s a breakdown of my 2021.


  • 1,674 contributions on GitHub
  • 230 runs
  • 168 climbing sessions
  • 17 days surfing
  • 1 v5 boulder sent outdoors
  • 3 5.12a sport climbs sent outdoors
  • Finally learned (and used in Production) the Go Programming Language.
  • Also, through an unexpected series of events, I learned Java and used Java Spring as my main framework for a few months.
  • Finished an EP of jungle-inspired beats (unreleased)
  • Launched a small side project (craglog)
  • Started reading more
  • Successfully landed and transitioned to a new role at a new company
  • Finally began taking real action on my plan to move out of Shanghai


  • Still (physically) in Shanghai


  • 0 dollars earned on side projects
  • 0 new music released
  • Coding less in my spare time for fun
  • Wrote few blog posts
  • Abandoned my side project after initial launch (craglog)
  • Launched fewer side projects than 2020
  • Still (physically) in Shanghai

Overall, it was a successful year, but mainly because I lowered my standards. I didn’t accomplish my goals in 2020, which then got pushed back to 2021, and I then accomplished.

Key visual: Me and my gal

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