Notes on architecture.
- Interesting walkthrough of a bootstrapped architecture
- The Tech Stack of a One-Man SaaS
- Tools and Services I use to Run my SaaS
- One Man SaaS Architecture
- Scaling to 100k users
- Gitlab Architecture
- GO project architecture
- Structuring Express Apps
- Web RTC architecture on hmtl5 rocks
- Soundcloud Backend for Frontend (BFF) pattern
- Simple Graph QL, without Apollo (with lots of good examples)
- Microsoft Guidelines for REST
- Best Practices for Rest API Design
- Flareact - server-rendered React on cloudflare edge node workers
- NestJS + Dynamo DB + Serverless
- Google Styleguides
- One Man SaaS architecture - Next JS, AWS, Dynamo
- The 12 factor App - my notes here