My Bonsai
I’m not that into bonsai, my trees might not even qualify as bonsai according to strict definitions. They might just be bushes or small trees.
That said, this is what I currently have:
This bonsai is not currently in my posession, it’s still in Shanghai. I think with Ting and Jules.
It’s a small Satsuki Azalea (Rhododendron indicum, or 杜鹃 in Chinese), about two years old.
It should be watered about twice a week, fully saturating the moss ball at the base.
Dwarf Alberta Spruce
This one I bought in December 2024, it’s a dwarf alberta spruce (picea glauca conica) about 14 years old.
Care routine:
- Light: Outdoors in bright, indirect light; indoors requires full-spectrum grow lights for 10–12 hours if necessary.
- Watering: Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged; water deeply when the top layer feels dry.
- Feeding: Use balanced bonsai fertilizer during spring to fall; stop in winter.
- Pruning: Trim new growth regularly to maintain shape and remove dead branches.
- Repotting: Repot every 3–5 years in late winter or early spring with well-draining bonsai soil.
- Winter Dormancy: Needs a cool period (30–50°F) outdoors or in a cold room.
- Humidity: Provide higher humidity indoors with a tray or misting.
- Avoid Year-Round Indoors: Best kept outdoors for most of the year.