Homebrew Packages

A list of cool homebrew packages (mostly command line tools) I have installed

  • htop -> monitor process & cpu usage
  • ytop -> monitor process & cpu usage
  • nmap -> network mapping, scan ports, hosts, etc.
  • watch -> not really sure what this does but i installed it.
  • nvim -> the next generation of vim. has insane diffing capabilities. need to learn how to use it better.
  • fortune -> gives you a weird fortune.
  • bandwich
  • jq
  • dog -> like dig, but sick
  • zoxide
  • z
  • tmux
  • hub
  • bitbar -> sick af
  • xbar (replaces bitbar)
  • tree
  • java
  • rar
  • cloc
  • ngrok
  • gping
  • rectangle
  • gh
  • tldr
  • agg aka the_silver_searcher
  • fzf
  • bat
  • ncdu
  • m-cli
  • terraform
  • trippy
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