Should I upgrade my personal website? It’s been on Gatsby 2 for about 5 years. Currently it builds 437 pages in about 1m7s so that’s actually pretty good, and I never have to touch it, it just works. Also still has 100 on lighthouse.
People think Google fucked up with it’s AI strategy and moving slowly. How do you think China feels? They had a major major MAJOR leg up in the game, but were somewhat hindered by capital outflow, brain drain, macro economic stagnation in the post covid era.
After spending basically a year dicking around with trying to make furizu work with golang, I’m restarting in typescript and it’s a HUGE relief. Never bet against javascript, for reals yo.
Just re-did my personal website using astro, migrating away from the now deprecated gatsby v2. To be honest, gatsby v2 was extremely fast and I have doubts that astro can recreate that performance. Also my gatsby v2 website had a 100 on lighthouse, it built 450ish pages in less than 2 minutes, and overall was an absolute performance beast. But gatsby was kinda hard to configure (insane graphql-over-filesystem API), and I was way way behind on updating. Previously, on gatsby 2: 2m 15s to build 450 pages. Now on astro: 57s.