Various links
- Slice tricks:
- Rest of the Golang Github Wiki:…
- Spec - very approachable:
- Standard library source code - clean code with lots of idioms to learn from:
- Uber Go Style Guide:
- Go Code Review Comments:
- 100 Go Coding Mistakes
- Alex Edwards - Author of good go-related content.
- Effective Error Handling in Go
- go 101
Gin Related
- How to handle DB access in Gin:
ORM & Database
- GORM - cool Go ORM similar to active record.
- - good lib for dynamo DB access from Go.
- qmgo - Mongo driver for Go
- mongodb official go driver
- bun - SQL-first golang orm, SQL-agnostic
- ent
- gin
- Fiber - Inspired by Express
- gql-gen - GraphQL server implementation that is pleasant to work with.
- bud - fullstack svelte + go
- copper
- Echo
- Kago - Generates an admin dashboard
- aegis - Serverless go deploy tool + framework
- fuego - Inspired by Nest
- codoworks boilerplate
- huma
Auth Libs
Other Tools
- Viper - Configuration loading
- rmq - Redis-backed message queue
- machinery - celery/sidekiq/bull-esque job queue
- liftbridge - kafka-lite message streams native to go
- graphql client lib
- pocketbase - crazy. something between auth0 and rails.
- wazero - run wasm modules in go.
- lingua - detect language with go
- pygolo - run python code with go, and vice versa.
- slog - go’s new (as of 2023) structured logging stdlib
- singleflight - dedupe things, like network requests happening in go routines
- failsafe.go - set of tools for robust go
- river - message queue based on go + postgres. created by former heroku architect.
- task - go-based alternative to Makefile
- BlueRPC - Go + Typescript type sharing