The I Ching (易经)
The I Ching is an ancient Chinese text used for divination. To this day, many Chinese people that I know are still quite deep into divination/算命. I don’t necessarily believe in the system’s purported ability to predict the future, but I do feel like it’s possibly an accurate reflection of the underlying systems of nature.
There are 64 hexagrams in the system.
- 乾 (乾) (Qián) - The Creative - ䷀
- 坤 (坤) (Kūn) - The Receptive - ䷁
- 屯 (屯) (Zhūn) - Difficulty at the Beginning - ䷂
- 蒙 (蒙) (Méng) - Youthful Folly - ䷃
- 需 (需) (Xū) - Waiting (Nourishment) - ䷄
- 訟 (讼) (Sòng) - Conflict - ䷅
- 師 (师) (Shī) - The Army - ䷆
- 比 (比) (Bǐ) - Holding Together (Union) - ䷇
- 小畜 (小畜) (Xiǎo Chù) - The Taming Power of the Small - ䷈
- 履 (履) (Lǚ) - Treading (Conduct) - ䷉
- 泰 (泰) (Tài) - Peace - ䷊
- 否 (否) (Pǐ) - Standstill (Stagnation) - ䷋
- 同人 (同人) (Tóng Rén) - Fellowship with Men - ䷌
- 大有 (大有) (Dà Yǒu) - Possession in Great Measure - ䷍
- 謙 (谦) (Qiān) - Modesty - ䷎
- 豫 (豫) (Yù) - Enthusiasm - ䷏
- 隨 (随) (Suí) - Following - ䷐
- 蠱 (蛊) (Gǔ) - Work on the Decayed - ䷑
- 臨 (临) (Lín) - Approach - ䷒
- 觀 (观) (Guān) - Contemplation (View) - ䷓
- 噬嗑 (噬嗑) (Shì Hè) - Biting Through - ䷔
- 賁 (贲) (Bì) - Grace - ䷕
- 剝 (剥) (Bō) - Splitting Apart - ䷖
- 復 (复) (Fù) - Return (The Turning Point) - ䷗
- 无妄 (无妄) (Wú Wàng) - Innocence (The Unexpected) - ䷘
- 大畜 (大畜) (Dà Chù) - The Taming Power of the Great - ䷙
- 頤 (颐) (Yí) - Corners of the Mouth (Providing Nourishment) - ䷚
- 大過 (大过) (Dà Guò) - Preponderance of the Great - ䷛
- 坎 (坎) (Kǎn) - The Abysmal (Water) - ䷜
- 離 (离) (Lí) - The Clinging (Fire) - ䷝
- 咸 (咸) (Xián) - Influence (Wooing) - ䷞
- 恆 (恒) (Héng) - Duration - ䷟
- 遯 (遁) (Dùn) - Retreat - ䷠
- 大壯 (大壮) (Dà Zhuàng) - The Power of the Great - ䷡
- 晉 (晋) (Jìn) - Progress - ䷢
- 明夷 (明夷) (Míng Yí) - Darkening of the Light - ䷣
- 家人 (家人) (Jiā Rén) - The Family - ䷤
- 睽 (睽) (Kuí) - Opposition - ䷥
- 蹇 (蹇) (Jiǎn) - Obstruction - ䷦
- 解 (解) (Xiè) - Deliverance - ䷧
- 損 (损) (Sǔn) - Decrease - ䷨
- 益 (益) (Yì) - Increase - ䷩
- 夬 (夬) (Guài) - Breakthrough (Resoluteness) - ䷪
- 姤 (姤) (Gòu) - Coming to Meet - ䷫
- 萃 (萃) (Cuì) - Gathering Together - ䷬
- 升 (升) (Shēng) - Pushing Upward - ䷭
- 困 (困) (Kùn) - Oppression (Exhaustion) - ䷮
- 井 (井) (Jǐng) - The Well - ䷯
- 革 (革) (Gé) - Revolution (Molting) - ䷰
- 鼎 (鼎) (Dǐng) - The Cauldron - ䷱
- 震 (震) (Zhèn) - The Arousing (Shock, Thunder) - ䷲
- 艮 (艮) (Gèn) - Keeping Still (Mountain) - ䷳
- 漸 (渐) (Jiàn) - Development (Gradual Progress) - ䷴
- 歸妹 (归妹) (Guī Mèi) - The Marrying Maiden - ䷵
- 豐 (丰) (Fēng) - Abundance - ䷶
- 旅 (旅) (Lǚ) - The Wanderer - ䷷
- 巽 (巽) (Xùn) - The Gentle (Wind, Wood) - ䷸
- 兌 (兑) (Duì) - The Joyous (Lake) - ䷹
- 渙 (涣) (Huàn) - Dispersion (Dissolution) - ䷺
- 節 (节) (Jié) - Limitation - ䷻
- 中孚 (中孚) (Zhōng Fú) - Inner Truth - ䷼
- 小過 (小过) (Xiǎo Guò) - Preponderance of the Small - ䷽
- 既濟 (既济) (Jì Jì) - After Completion - ䷾
- 未濟 (未济) (Wèi Jì) - Before Completion - ䷿