Sunday - 04/10/2022
This is officially day 10 of lockdown.
My schedule was like this:
- Woke up at about 9:30, scrolled instagram for about 20 minutes.
- Got up, made coffee and had the last of our cereal with some oat milk. No more cereal. Not sure what to have for breakfast tomorrow.
- Got on my computer, scrolled reddit for a bit, checked emails and whatnot.
- Called my old buddy Tom Oliver (aka Downstate), haven’t talked in a super long time. He’s now based out of Tokyo and seems generally to be doing well.
- It was about 1 when we ended our call, I started working on lunch.
- Spent some time making beats.
- 1:40ish I woke up Chyah and finished making lunch.
- Lunch: fried italian rottini pasta with leftover barbequed pork, some nutritional yeast, and rocket.
- Chilled after lunch, took a nap.
- Around 4 Chyah went down to pick up a package from her company. I came down to help her carry it up the stairs. Inside: 2kg of beef, 2 liters of orange juice(!!!), a box of milk, a box of one-time-use pour-over coffee (luwak). Pretty good haul.
- Around 5:00, I snuck up to the roof of our building for a workout. I climbed up to the very tippy top, in a kind of dangerous position.
- 1600 jump rope reps, 100 pushups.
- Came down, chilled, make some beats.
- At about 8:00 we made dinner: leftover mashed potatoes, some left over Chinese-style food, and lamb chops.