Node frameworks of various use cases and design patterns, that I have either used or am interested in using.
- express
- koa
- egg
- nest
- loopback 3
- loopback 4
- adonis
- feathers
- hapi
- polka
- fastify
- rayo
- vulcan
- keystoneJS
- moleculer
- foal
- tsoa
- TS.ed
- mojo
- drash - deno microframework
- hono.js - cloud-agnostic edge runtime framework.
- elysia - runs on bun
- nitro - kind of like hono, can run on bun/node/edge/cf..etc.
- encore - leverages go; claims to be 9x faster than express
Fullstack Frameworks
These frameworks are less “Node JS” category, more like frontend JS category just because they’re mostly focused on a high-quality frontend dev experience.
Still interesting though.
- tRPC - Typescript, React, remarkably low-frills.
- Remult
- remix
- onestack - rumored to include integration with a localfirst solution
- redwood
- fastify-dx
- Ultra - actually deno framework but seems cool
- hyperstack
- fresh - also deno
- Waku
- vike - actually an SSR framework, so really it’s frontend. More agnostic approach to something like remix/next.js.