- 7/12 - Near Bellingham, WA - Mt. Baker area. We searched for a long time, found a place next to a electricity station at like midnight. Ended up switching at 2:00am to a place nearby with cell signal but that wasn’t going to cause reproductive issues.
- 7/13 - Still near Mt. Baker area. We searched near Ridley Creek, around Mt. Baker for a long time in search of a place in the wilderness but with cell signal, to no avail. Eventually we came out and found a place on Mosquito Lake Rd. I think the name was South Fork state park.
- 7/14 - Pendleton, OR. We found a place on iOverlander, it’s called “Adventure Trails Recration Area” parking lot. Near airport rd. in Pendleton.
- 7/15 - Pendleton, OR. - about a 45 minute drive from the city, a place we found on iOverlander called Elk Meadow - BLM Land. Super cool. Overlooking the city down in the valley, went out to pee at like 3:00am and there was a CRAZY multicolored hue coming over the horizon, never seen anything like it.
- 7/16 - Bend, OR - Smith Rock.