Various vandwelling resources.
Vanlife in general
- Vanspace 3d - 3d software for designing van rebuild layouts.
- project vanlife
- vanlife trader - marketplace
- Conversion Trader - marketplace
- thevancamper - marketplace
- alino - european van marketplace
- iOverlander - find places to park
- how to receive mail while vanlife’ing
- More about receiving mail - also has info on establishing residence in South Dakota
- Internet
China Related
- Reddit: thread about private owned cars in SH
- Reddit: Tips on buying car
- Guy in a Wuling doing vanlife in China
- Alfa Adventures - van conversion shop in Beijing
Software Developers in van
- Flavio copes talking about it
- Outside Magazine’s guide to working in an RV
- - They’re technically on a boat, but still relevant
Build Ideas + Inspo
- Bed/sofa mode conversion idea: link
- Guy with amazing mobile office: link
- Smaller sprinter, layout with a shower: link
- Yama vans
Build Resources + Tutorials
- - great source for electrical and solar diagrams
Establishing Domicile
When you’re “on the road”, how do you take care of all the boring stuff like residency, registering a car, paying taxes, and receiving mail?
Useful Apps
- iOverlander
- Campendium
- Allstays
- find good spots to work at
- un-shitty weathermap
- Gaia - Like all trails, but a bit less focused on hiking.
- Sekr
- The Dyrt
- App “public lands” 1.99 for list of public land areas
- onx