Based on this incredible video: Townsends
- Cut up a bunch of onions
- Put a ton of butter (probably 1 stick) into a sauce pan and brown the onions
- When they start to brown, add flour
- Add 3 pints of boiling water
- Take a crust of bread and remove all of the soft parts. Chop it up to bits and put that in there.
- Now, eggs! Remove the whites from 3 eggs. Discard the whites. Add a little bit of vinegar.
- Take a little bit of soup from the onion stuff you’ve been working on. Just a littleeeee. Pour it in to the egg yellows while stirring, just to temper the eggs so they don’t cook immediately when you put them into the main soup.
- Put the eggs into the main soup.
- Now it’s essentially done. You can let it simmer for a while, add salt/pepper/other seasoning if needed.
- Serve it up!