Leek Beef, aka 葱爆牛肉
On 小红书: link
- Beef skirt (or similar quality cut)
- Leeks
- Small spicy peppers
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Scallions (green onions)
Seasonings & Sauces:
- 生抽 (Light soy sauce)
- 老抽 (Dark soy sauce)
- 花椒 (Sichuan peppercorns)
- 胡椒粉 (Ground white pepper)
- 味精 (MSG)
- Sugar
- Salt
- Corn starch
- Cooking oil
First, prepare a juicy marinade of: ginger, scallions, and 花椒 mixed in water. Let that sit for a bit.
Using high-quality cut like beef skirt, cut it into thin strips (about 1 inch wide by 1/8 inch thick).
Put the beef into a bowl, then add 生抽, 胡椒粉, 老抽. Mix well. Then, squeeeze that ginger and scallion juice, and add half of it to the beef. Half at first, mixing, then the other half. Add a little corn starch as well. Add a littttttle bit of oil and let it sit for 20 mins.
Cut the leeks into angled strips/slices, like how the japanese cut their carrots. Kinda like that.
Cut up the peppers as well, into slightly smaller strips than that.
Now, prepare yet another little marinade, but this time it will be for when we’re actually cooking. Add:
- 生抽
- 老抽
- Sugar
- 味精
- Corn starch
- A little bit of salt
- 2 spoons of water
Set that aside.
- HEAT the wok first
- When it’s very hot, add oil.
First, fry the beef for about 1 min until it’s browned. Take it out and set aside.
Now, add the little spicy peppers, garlic and ginger, etc. into the wok. Lightly sautee those for about 2 mins, then add the leeks. Fry for about 2 mins, or until they’re “half cooked”.
Lastly, add the beef back in and the marinade. Just fry that for about 2 mins, and ya done!