Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls
aka, 全麦黑糖肉桂卷
Recipe taken from this bilibili video
Part 1
Prepare the dough.
- 55g of avocado
- 110g of skim milk
- 3g of yeast
- 3g of sea salt
- 20g of sugar or sugar replacement
- 1 egg
- 250g of high-gluten whole wheat flower
Instructions -
- Smash up the avocado
- Beat the egg
- Dump all of the ingredients in a bowl
- Knead laterally until it becomes dough-y step 4. In the beginning, it will be kind of sticky. Alternate between kneading and smashing. Smash and knead.
- Use your fist to knead to prevent it from sticking to your hand when it becomes a bit more sticky step 5.
- Knead it for like 15 minutes until the surface of the dough becomes shiny.
- Roll it into a ball.
- Cover it in saran wrap to let the yeast yeastify. Or rise.
- Let the yeast rise in yeast-rising-mode on your oven for about 1 hour, if you have an oven with that kind of mode. If you don’t, then let the dough sit in a room at 27-30 degrees celsius until the dough is about twice its original size. It should rise to 2x.
- When it’s flat and about twice it’s size, it’s ready. It should have a net-like grid-like sinewy texture/structure on the inside, see pic step 10.
Let it rise.
Part 2
Next, we need to make the cinnamon liner for the bread.
- 30g of Brown Sugar
- 3g of cinnamon powder
- 8g of skim milk
Instructions -
- Mix those in a bowl to consistency.
- Sprinkle some flour onto a surface (the surface where you will roll up the cinnamon rolls).
- Knead the dough a few times to remove any remaining air bubbles.
- Knead the dough into a ball. Sprinkle some flour on top.
- Now you need to roll the dough out, with a pin, into a big rectangle, about 5mm thick, part two step 5.
- Make sure it is a good rectangle, you can use your hands to make it a perfect-ish rectangle.
- Slather the cinnamon liner evenly onto the dough rectangle, part two step 7.
- Now you need to fold the dough rectangle into thirds, from the top, hotdog style, part two step 8. Start from top to middle, then bottom on top.
- Cut vertically into six even slices.
- For each slice, cut two slits so that there are three little pieces, like tentacles, hanging down, part two step 10.
- Next you need to braid those three little tentacles part two step 11.
- After braiding, don’t let go! Take the head, and pinch it to the tail, part two step 12.
You should now have six little braided pieces of dough.
Part 3
Now, the baking part.
- Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celsius.
- Butter a cupcake pan.
- Put the six dough braids into the pan and slather some egg on top (a small layer of egg? need more details about this 鸡蛋液)
- Bake them for 15 mins in this 200 degree oven.
- Take them out of oven, sprinkle some sugar or cream powder on top.
Serve with coffee.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 10
Part two step 5
Part two step 7
Part two step 8
Part two step 10
Part two step 11
Part two step 12