Remote Work Stuff
Articles & Resources
- Great synopsis of different countries’ visa policies with focus on tech workers
- Twitter Conversation about best places for remote
- Remote Work Visas
- NomadVisa
- rebase - remote work relocation visa programs.
- gitlab’s remote manifesto
- Drunk Post - Things I’ve Learned as a SR Engineer
- A Hacker’s Guide To Job Hunting)
- - not remote-specific, but shows comp levels for different companies
Job Boards & Places to find work
- Remotive
- WeWorkRemotely
- RemoteOK
- Remotehub
- Vettery
- Honeypot
- Date FNS jobs board
- Remote First companies
- Berlin Dev Jobs
- Working Not Working
- A Hackers Guide To Job Huntin
- job listings
- boss zhipin
- workatastartup
- Bergamot
- workingnomads
- Flexwork
- Fresh Remote Work
- real work from anywhere
- work from anywhere (GH repo)
- Japan Dev (Japan only)
- Tokyo Dev (also Japan only)
- remotehunt - list of fully remote companies
- keepcool - climate/green-tech specific job board
- - remote-only companies
- - startup jobs
- workingnotworking - not very dev-focused, but an interesting idea
- JS Remotely - remote jobs, JS-focused
- hacker news “who’s hiring”
- Climatebase
- trueup