Desktop Apps
While I haven’t ever shipped a desktop app to production, I’ve been fiddling with the different options and tech for building cross-platform desktop apps. Electron is huge in the Node JS and frontend world, so I try to follow the latest in this space.
- Electron - the incumbent “best practice”
- Deskgap - like electron, but uses native system browser
- Electrino
- Quark
- Appify - Super simple way to wrap an executable in a macOS desktop app.
- Similar script as application approach - kind of sketchy.
- graffiti
- NW.js
- revery - not necessarily using frontend tech/Javascript, but is designed to be easy for JS devs to use. Super performant next-gen shit.
- Tauri - Uses rust.
- sciter - no idea how it works, but is extremely lightweight when compared with electron. example app
- Neutralino - also uses system browser.
- Svelte Node GUI
- Grader
- wails
- webviews
- gluon - deno + webview
- todesktop - bit more managed instant electron apps.
- - rust-based framework for desktop apps. from the creators of zed editor.
- Electrobun - kinda like tauri or neutralino, but based on bun
Side note: guide to distributing mac apps outside the app store - link.
Maybe useful:
- Electron React Boilerplate
- useful tool from sindresorhus for generating a nice-looking dmg- benchmarks of web-to-desktop frameworks
- “How to make absolutely any app look like a macos app”