Articles and other resources
- Preventing rerenders with React.memo and useContext hook. · Issue #15156 · facebook/react
- Measuring React app performance
- Debugging React performance with React 16 and Chrome Devtools.
- React Christmas
- Build your own React
- Getting Started with React Native in 2020
- Profiling React.js Performance
- beautifulinteractions/beautiful-react-hooks
- testing-library/react-testing-library
- Cache busting: Cache busting a react app, this gist
- jotai - really good state management
- unstated-next - 200kb state mgmt
- use-eazy-auth - nice auth state management, handles refresh and auth state.
- React Principles good opinionated list of best poractices for React.
- Josh Comeau’s React File Structure - really great, and clean.
Form management
- formik/formik
- kevinwolfdev/formal
- React Hook Form
- Building on RHF, build schema-driven forms with
- fresh
Data Fetching
- tannerlinsley/react-query
- vercel/swr
- urql Documentation
- graphql-hooks - minimal graphql client
- ghosh/microtip
- ghosh/Micromodal
- tippy
- react-chrono - timeline component
- react-insta-stories
- react-joyride - for onboarding/guided tour of your app.
- react-terminal-ui
- GitHub list of 500 components
- A good data table component
- calendar
- react-multistep - multistep wizard/onboarding.
- onboarding-lib - headless onboarding lib
- sonner - a nice toast component
For making libs with ——-
- developit/microbundle
- alexjoverm/typescript-library-starter
- formium/tsdx
- jaebradley/example-rollup-react-component-npm-package
- reakit/reakit
- tsup
State Management