Web Assembly stuff
General smattering of useful stuff I found about Web Assembly.
- https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/book/
- Build FFmpeg WebAssembly version (= ffmpeg.js): Part.4 ffmpeg.js v0.2 - Web Worker and Libx264
- leandromoreira/digital_video_introduction
- vincentcr/lame-wasm
- Recording mp3 audio in HTML5 using vmsg - a WebAssembly library based on LAME
- Web Assembly: Offical docs about use cases
- My slides on web assembly
- Made with web assembly
- Emscripten - tool for compiling C/C++ to WASM
- blog post - converting a C library to WASM
- Talk - Advanced Web Assembly with Ben Smith
- Tiny Search - full text search with web assembly
- Going from JS to WASM - interesting in-depth walkthrough by a person who converted a computation-heavy client-side app into a wasm-driven kitty. AssemblyScript + interesting architecture.
- What languages can be compiled to web assembly?
- python running on web assembly
- python + wasi + vs code
- photoshop + web assembly
- moonbit - meta language for writing web assembly
- wasm-audio-decoders
Web Assembly as Container or Runtime
There’s a whole other side of the WASM community and design, which basically sees WASM as a general mode and standard for software portability, rather than simply a way to “run native code on the web”.
- spin - A framework for building composable microservices with WASM.
- Web Assembly Component Model
- wasm-edge
- wasmer - web assembly for multi-platform
- wasmGPT - uses web assembly to run a ChatGPT-like chatbot, entirely in the browser.