Wysiwyg Editors
Non-exhaustive list of rich text editors/wysiywyg editors.
- Draft JS - solid rich text editor from facebook open source, for react. link, in action
- ReactMDE - react markdown editor built on draft js - seems legit-ish
- SimpleMDE - markdown/wysiwyg hybrid. Still shows markdown, but designed for non-technical users who are not familiar with or learning markdown - preview
- Toast UI Editor - pretty full featured, but not very extensible and actually very big bundle
- medium editor
- ck editor
- react-markdown-editor-lite - idk, maybe good?
- React-Editor
- react-draft-wysiwyg
- Material UI Rich Text Editor
- Editor.js - “Block Editor”
- Quill
- bangle
- Prosemirror - simple. link
- Trix - seems good but based on coffeescript so i don’t like. link
- pandao editor.md. kind of outdated, seems bloated. link
- Tiny MCE
- Tiptap - more than just a wysiwyg, also a whole comments system type thing.
- Froala
- Lexical
- Novel - Tiptap based RTE with AI autocomplete.
- Plate
- typist (based on TipTap)