VIM stuff
- vim shortcuts
- vimtutor
- onivim built on revery
- vim cheatsheet
- built in tutor in all unix envs- og sourceforge documentation
- ThePrimeagen - a youtuber
- vim plug
Some vimrcs
Moving Around
- h, j, k, l - left, down, up, right
- w - move to START of next word
- e - move to the END of the next word.
- b - nove back a word
- gg - top of file
- G - bottom of file
- 23G - jump to line
- $ - jump to end of line
- 0 - jump to start of line
- fc - go forward to character
(any character) - Fc - go backward to character
Deleting, editing, etc.
- d - delete, a motion… e.g., dw means “delete word”
- x - delete where cursor is
- y - “yank” operator, aka copy
- p - paste after cursor
- P - paste before cursor
- c - “change” operator, cw = change word
- u - undo a sinlge change
- r - redo a single change
- Ctrl + r - redo a single undo
- a - append, aka start typing after the cursor
- A - append from end of line
- o - start inserting on a new line
- O - start inserting on a new line from prev line
- C - delete rest of line from cursor, and start inserting.
Confusingly, doubling a motion means to do it for a line?
- yy - yank a line
- dd - delete a line
- / - search motion, aka forward motion. after running a search, you can use n to jump through search results. N moves backwards.k
- ? - same as /, but searches backwards.
- v - enter “visual” mode for selecting text.
- V - enter “visual line” mode for selecting whole lines
Text Objects
- “Text Objects” are blocks of text with their own starting or ending characters, like
. - Text objects can be manipulated with the other operators, like y, c, and d, and v
- In general, defining a text object with i will be the so-called “inner” object, while defining a text object with a will be “an” object
- di( will delete everything in parentheses
- da( will delete everything in the parentheses, including the parentheses
- ci( will change everything in the parentheses
- yi( will yank everything in the parentheses
- dit will delete everything within a current html tag (t here automatically knowing it’s HTML!)