Baltic Birch

Baltic birch is a type of plywood made from birch trees, USUALLLY originating from the baltic region. Sometimes it’s called “Russian Birch”.


Things to know about Baltic Birch:

  • It’s known for being strong or stronger than hardwood, due to it’s high-quality density/composition and alternating grain layers.
  • It’s often used in furniture and cabinetry due to this strength/robustness and also it’s aesthetic appeal.
  • If it has DARK inner layers, that usually means it’s for exterior use. If the inner layers are lighter in color, that usually means it’s for interior use.
  • When cutting, it’s important to use a sharp blade with high tooth count to avoid splitting or tearing the wood. Also, place the blade height (presuming table saw) just slightly above the surface of the wood to prevent splintering. Scoring the surface where you plan to cut can also help prevent splintering/tear-out.
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