ELIXIR notes

Elixir is a functional programming language created by a former Ruby on Rails contributor named José Valim. It’s a dynamic language which runtime-compiles down to byte code which runs on the erlang Beam VM. Since it runs on the Beam, Elixir is kind of an extension of the Erlang ecosystem — it benefits from the fault tolerant, hyper-concurrent capabilities of Erlang, and also has a nice story for Erlang module interop.

Like Ruby, elixir is also dynamically typed, which means type-checking doesn’t happen during a build step. Types get checked at runtime.

Elixir is very fast.

The syntax is quite similar to Ruby, but in a functional paradigm.


Elixir is a functional-programming language and requires all named functions to be defined in a module. The defmodule keyword is used to define a module. All modules are available to all other modules at runtime and do not require an access modifier to make them visible to other parts of the program. A module is analogous to a class in other programming languages.

defmodule Calculator do
  # ...

Naming Conventions

  • Module names should use PascalCase.
  • A module name must start with an uppercase letter A-Z and can contain letters a-zA-Z, numbers 0-9, and underscores _.
  • Variable and function names should use snake_case.
  • A variable or function name must start with a lowercase letter a-z or an underscore _, can contain letters a-zA-Z, numbers 0-9, and underscores _, and might end with a question mark ? or an exclamation mark !.

Standard lib

Elixir has a very robust standard lib, which can be browsed here.

Most primitive data types have a strong standard lib module to go along with them, e.g., String module for common string stuff, Integer module for common integer stuff.

There’s also a really nice (allegedly!) module called Kernel, which provides the basic capabilities on top of which the rest of the standard library is built, like arithmetic operators, control-flow macros, etc. This module is globally available, you don’t need to import it.

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